1. Agave - https://github.com/chaotic-aur/packages/issues/1891 (rejected from Chaotic AUR because the source for this is on the Internet Archive, so let's not add something so old and deprecated)
  2. FeedReader - https://github.com/chaotic-aur/packages/issues/1761 (rejected from Chaotic AUR because it is not actively maintained)
  3. Moka Icons - https://github.com/chaotic-aur/packages/issues/1907 (rejected from Chaotic AUR because upstream is dead and the URL is incorrect, R.I.P. to this theme)
  4. Night PDF - https://github.com/chaotic-aur/packages/issues/1794 (rejected from Chaotic AUR because the source no longer exists)
  5. Quilter - https://github.com/chaotic-aur/packages/issues/1815 (rejected from Chaotic AUR because this has been deprecated)
  6. RecApp - https://github.com/chaotic-aur/packages/issues/1817 (rejected from Chaotic AUR because this project is archived, it's no longer under development; if you would like to continue development, please feel free to fork the project according to the GPL license)
  7. Remotely - https://github.com/chaotic-aur/packages/issues/1819 (rejected from Chaotic AUR because it is no longer being developed; as an alternative, GNOME Connections can be used)
  8. Spectrum - https://github.com/chaotic-aur/packages/issues/1901 (rejected from Chaotic AUR because Spectrum is going read-only in favor of GitHub discussions)
  9. Taigo - https://github.com/chaotic-aur/packages/issues/1832 (rejected from Chaotic AUR because it is flagged out of date for more than a year and upstream activity is dead)
  10. Venom - https://github.com/chaotic-aur/packages/issues/1841 (rejected from Chaotic AUR because this seems dead)

There are a LOT of bugs, many that haven't recieved attention in years. They are inactive enough to let their SSL cert expire too.. I'm not comfortable adding an email client with such lax development around it. It feels like too much potential for things to go wrong.
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  • apps/trade-free/removed.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/09/29 19:56
  • by alexio