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google @videos:ihavenotv:search
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[[go>A Call To Valor - documentary]] | Presidents at War | | [[go>A Cat's Eye View - documentary]] | C... World Science Festival | | [[go>A thrilling look at the first 21 days of a bee’s life - documentary]]... on | | [[go>Andes - documentary]] | Mountain Life at the Extreme | | [[go>Andy Warhol - documentary]] ... go>Astrology - documentary]] | Explained | | [[go>At the Edge of Space - documentary]] | | | [[go>Ata
magnet @videos:ihavenotv:search
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garoo | | [[magnet>A Call To Valor]] | Presidents at War | | [[magnet>A Cat's Eye View]] | Cat Watch |... ld Science Festival | | [[magnet>A thrilling look at the first 21 days of a bee’s life]] | TED | | [[m... of Evolution | | [[magnet>Andes]] | Mountain Life at the Extreme | | [[magnet>Andy Warhol]] | Modern M... | | [[magnet>Astrology]] | Explained | | [[magnet>At the Edge of Space]] | | | [[magnet>Atari: Game O
searx @videos:ihavenotv:search
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ngaroo | | [[searx>A Call To Valor]] | Presidents at War | | [[searx>A Cat's Eye View]] | Cat Watch | ... rld Science Festival | | [[searx>A thrilling look at the first 21 days of a bee’s life]] | TED | | [[s... of Evolution | | [[searx>Andes]] | Mountain Life at the Extreme | | [[searx>Andy Warhol]] | Modern Ma... | | [[searx>Astrology]] | Explained | | [[searx>At the Edge of Space]] | | | [[searx>Atari: Game Ov
packages @apps:trade-free:chaotic-aur
14 Hits, Last modified:
nd people that value their eye sight when working at 3 AM | | [[chaotic>in-1.4-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst]] ... eve CPU features (such as available instructions) at runtime. By google | | [[chaotic>libdigidocpp-3.1... ws you to load glade interface files in a program at runtime | | [[chaotic>libglibutil-1.0.66-1-x86_64... -any.pkg.tar.zst]] | mkinitcpio hook to open swap at boot time | | [[chaotic>mkosi-git-13.r123.g5cd0f4
syntax @wiki
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ay use when editing the pages. Simply have a look at the source of this page by pressing "Edit this pa... Note that the two backslashes are only recognized at the end of a line\\ or followed by\\ a whitespace... te that the two backslashes are only recognized at the end of a line\\ or followed by\\ a whitespa... g line in ''conf/lang/en/lang.php'' (more details at [[doku>localization#changing_some_localized_texts
distributed-computing @apps
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[|Quantum Medicinal Chemistry at Home]] - Do quantum-mechanical computations on medically rel... OLDIERS]] | | [[SCOTUS NOTES: BEHIND THE SCENES AT SUPREME COURT CONFERENCE]] | [[ANTI-SLAVERY MAN... BAN RADIO]] | [[SCOTUS NOTES: BEHIND THE SCENES AT SUPREME COURT CONFERENCE]] | | [[ANTI-SLAVERY M
trailers @videos:videoneat:search
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DnrkJ | C025 | | course, science | [[searxv>Earth at the Crossroads, Understanding the Ecology of a Ch... | D0832 | 32| | society | [[searxv>Saving Lives At Sea - trailer]] | ((https:/... 20Trailer%20%20NOW%20PLAYING%20IN%20THEATRES%2C%20AT%20HOME%20ON%20DEMAND%20JAN%208.mp4 | https://vide
8 Hits, Last modified:
adapted after the original implementation by TROM at <datatables paging="... SciShow Space explores the universe a few minutes at a time. | ether and ask questions that inspire us to marvel at all things wild. | our dedicated volunteers, we've been saving lives at sea around the coast of the UK and Ireland since
google @videos:videoneat:search
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se - VideoNeat]] | | course, science | [[go>Earth at the Crossroads, Understanding the Ecology of a Ch... nia - VideoNeat]] | | society | [[go>Saving Lives At Sea - VideoNeat]] | | maths / physics | [[go>Pred... ociety | [[go>Where Does your Fruit Come From and at What Cost - VideoNeat]] | | society | [[go>Aldi’s... y | [[go>How a Known Islamist could Attack Berlin at Christmas - VideoNeat]] | | society | [[go>The Vi
magnet @videos:videoneat:search
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e Universe]] | | course, science | [[magnet>Earth at the Crossroads, Understanding the Ecology of a Ch... t>Vitamania]] | | society | [[magnet>Saving Lives At Sea]] | | maths / physics | [[magnet>Prediction b... ty | [[magnet>Where Does your Fruit Come From and at What Cost]] | | society | [[magnet>Aldi’s Superma... [[magnet>How a Known Islamist could Attack Berlin at Christmas]] | | society | [[magnet>The Virtual Wa
searx @videos:videoneat:search
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e Universe]] | | course, science | [[searxv>Earth at the Crossroads, Understanding the Ecology of a Ch... v>Vitamania]] | | society | [[searxv>Saving Lives At Sea]] | | maths / physics | [[searxv>Prediction b... ty | [[searxv>Where Does your Fruit Come From and at What Cost]] | | society | [[searxv>Aldi’s Superma... [[searxv>How a Known Islamist could Attack Berlin at Christmas]] | | society | [[searxv>The Virtual Wa
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The original version of this how-to is available at oved up one level in the outline **Ctrl + Tab** : At the start of a heading, inserts a tab stop. Depen... 2** : Switches to Edit mode and places the cursor at the end of the contents of the current cell; if t... again **Ctrl + Z** : Undo modifications one step at a time **Shift + Ctrl + Q** : Terminate a macro t
5 Hits, Last modified:
er|simpler]] </columns> We challenge YOU to look at [[|TROMjaro]]. All criticism ... and you'll see that they do not respect the theme at all. So they are very inconsistent. The [[https:/... very fast. Speaking of that, GNOME may feel fast at first in a VM and looking at the RAM consumption will not tell you much anyway, but use Gnome for mon
fediverse @apps
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ps:// | A new attempt at the social link aggregator service. It is modelle... .org/p3k | | | | [[|Parastat]] | | ((no source code available yet)) | We are making an alternative to Mastodon... tps:// | An attempt at a viable alternative to Goodreads. | | [[https://
games @playground
3 Hits, Last modified:
is Sawyer's Locomotion to play ((It can be bought at either Steam or | ===== Browser Games ...|xBaK]] | - Fan-made remake of "Betrayal at Krondor" | | [[ icks and extras by using your paddle to aim balls at the bricks; all LBreakout2 themes and levelsets w
latest @apps:trade-free
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appimage @apps
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requirements @system
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backup @system
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search-engines @playground
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