Mate Look
- Breeze-KDE-Story-Light [GTK3/4 Themes] (2024/10/13 07:39)GTK Theme based on the default "Breeze" GTK Theme, Adapted for Plasma Theme[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR="#006a80"] [B]KDE-Story-Light[/B] [/COLOR], which...
- Jasper-gtk-theme [GTK3/4 Themes] (2024/10/13 06:15)Jasper-gtk-theme --------- - `Icon theme` [b]Colloid teal icon theme[/b] [url][/url] -...
- Dracula [GTK3/4 Themes] (2024/10/12 22:35)[b]The official dark theme for the awesome [url=]dracula color palette[/url][/b] [B]Installation:[/B] 1.- Extract the...
- Infinity-Dark-Icons [Full Icon Themes] (2024/10/12 21:40)[B]Icons for Dark Plasma Theme [COLOR="#006dda"] [B]Infinity-Plasma[/B] [/COLOR] , which you can download:...
- Infinity-Light-Icons [Full Icon Themes] (2024/10/12 21:38)[B]Icons for Light Plasma Themes Based on Default [COLOR="#006dda"] [B]Breeze[/B] [/COLOR] Icons Icons for Dark Plasma Themes...
- Infinity-GTK [GTK3/4 Themes] (2024/10/12 21:34)Dark GTK-Theme Modified Original Breeze GTK Theme, adapted for Dark Plasma Theme [COLOR="#08a19d"] [B]Infinity-Plasma[/B] [/COLOR], which you can...
- Goldy-Dark-Icons [Full Icon Themes] (2024/10/12 21:31)Icons for Dark Plasma Themes Dark Plasma Theme Transparent and Blur, [COLOR="#008b8b"] [B]Goldy-Dark-Plasma[/B] [/COLOR]: ...
- Goldy-Dark-GTK [GTK3/4 Themes] (2024/10/12 21:28)Dark GTK Theme Modified Original Breeze GTK Theme, adapted for Dark Round Plasma Theme [COLOR="#5e81ac"] [B]Goldy-Dark-Plasma[/B] [/COLOR], which...
- LightningBug Gtk Themes [GTK3/4 Themes] (2024/10/12 14:31)Gtk2 & Gtk3 themes base on [url=] Arc-theme [/url] Cinnamon themes base on...
- Vivid-Glassy-Dark-Icons [Full Icon Themes] (2024/10/12 12:46)Icons for Dark Plasma Themes, Customized and for Plasma 6 __________________________ Icons [COLOR="#008b8b"] [B]Vivid-Dark-Icons[/B] [/COLOR]:...