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Download entire websites easy
[GNU Wget]( is a nice tool for downloading resources from the internet. The basic usage is `wget url`:
The power of [wget]( is that you may download sites recursive, meaning you also get all pages (and images and other data) linked on the front page:
`wget -r`
But many sites do not want you to download their entire site. To prevent this, they check how browsers identify. Many sites refuse you to connect or send a blank page if they detect you are not using a web-browser. You might get a message like:
*Sorry, but the download manager you are using to view this site is not supported. We do not support use of such download managers as flashget, go!zilla, or getright*
There is a very handy `-U` option for sites like this. Use
`-U My-browser`
to tell the site you are using some commonly accepted browser:
wget -r -p -U Mozilla
A web-site owner will probably get upset if you attempt to download his entire site using a simple
command. However, the web-site owner will not even notice you if you limit the download transfer rate and pause between fetching files.
To make sure you are not manually added to a blacklist, the most important command line options are` –limit-rate=` and` –wait= .`
To pause 20 seconds between retrievals you should add
and to limit the download rate use something like
as this option defaults to bytes, add K to set KB/s.
`wget –wait=20 –limit-rate=20K -r -p -U Mozilla`
A very handy option that guarantees wget will not download anything from the folders beneath the folder you want to acquire is:
Use this to make sure wget does not fetch more than it needs to if you just want to download the files in a folder.
Read the [manual page]( for wget to learn more about GNU Wget. The full official manual is available [here](
The original version of this how-to is available at
Copyright © 2000-2004 [Øyvind Sæther]( Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled [“GNU Free Documentation License”](
LibreOffice and OpenOffice Keyboard Shortcuts
### General Shortcuts for LibreOffice / OpenOffice
Ctrl + A : Select All Ctrl + F : Find and Replace Ctrl + Y : Redo last action
Ctrl + A : select all Ctrl + O : open Ctrl + S : save Alt + F4 : close window
### LibreOffice Writer / OpenOffice Writer
#### Text
Ctrl + E : Centered Ctrl + J : Justify Ctrl + L : Align Left Ctrl + R : Align Right Ctrl + D : Double Underline Ctrl + Shift + P : Superscript Ctrl + Shift + B : Subscript
#### Paragraph Style
Ctrl + 0 (zero) : Apply the Default style Ctrl + 1 : Apply the Heading 1 style Ctrl + 2 : Apply the Heading 2 style Ctrl + 3 : Apply the Heading 3 style Ctrl + 5 : 1.5 Line Spacing
Ctrl + Plus Key (+) : Calculates the selected text and copies the result to the clipboard Ctrl + Hyphen (-) : Custom hyphens; hyphenation set by you Ctrl + Shift + minus sign (-) : Non-breaking dash (is not used for hyphenation). Ctrl + * (multiplication sign on number pad) : Run macro field. Ctrl + Space : Non-breaking spaces that are not used for hyphenation and are not expanded if the text is justified Shift + Enter : Line break without paragraph change Ctrl + Enter : Manual page break Ctrl + Shift + Enter : Column break in multi-columnar texts Alt + Enter : Inserting a new paragraph without numbering; Alt + Enter : Inserting a new paragraph directly before or after a section or a table Arrow Left : Move cursor to left Shift + Arrow Left : Move cursor with selection to the left Ctrl + Arrow Left : Go to beginning of word Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Left : Selecting to the left word by word Arrow Right : Move cursor to right Shift + Arrow Right : Move cursor with selection to the right Ctrl + Arrow Right : Go to end of word Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Right : Selecting to the right word by word Arrow Up : Move up one line Shift + Arrow Up : Selecting lines in an upwards direction Arrow Down : Move cursor down one line Shift + Arrow Down : Selecting lines in a downward direction Home : Go to beginning of line Shift + Home : Go and select to the beginning of a line End : Go to end of line Shift + End : Go and select to end of line Ctrl + Home : Go to start of document Ctrl + Shift + Home : Go and select text to start of document Ctrl + End : Go to end of document Ctrl + Shift + End : Go and select text to end of document Ctrl + Page Up : Switch cursor between text and header Ctrl + Page Down : Switch cursor between text and footer Insert : Insert mode on/off Page Up : Screen page up Shift + Page Up : Move up screen page with selection Page Down : Move down screen page Shift + Page Down : Move down screen page with selection Ctrl + Delete : Delete text to end of word Ctrl + Backspace : Delete text to beginning of word Ctrl + Shift + Delete : Delete text to end of sentence Ctrl + Shift + Backspace : Delete text to beginning of sentence Ctrl + Tab : Next suggestion with Automatic Word Completion Ctrl + Shift + Tab : Use previous suggestion with Automatic Word Completion Alt + W : Spell checker dialog; call back the original unknown word into the text box Ctrl + Shift + F10 or Ctrl + mouse double-click : Dock or un-dock the Navigator, Styles and Formatting window, or other windows
#### Tables
Ctrl + A : If the active cell is empty, selects the whole table; otherwise it selects the contents of the active cell; pressing it a second time selects the entire table Ctrl + Home : If the active cell is empty, moves the cursor to the beginning of the table; pressing it again moves the cursor to the beginning of document; if the active cell is not empty, moves the cursor to the beginning of the active cell; pressing it a second time moves the cursor to the beginning of the current table; a third press moves the cursor to the beginning of the document Ctrl + End : If the active cell is empty, moves the cursor to the end of the table; pressing it again moves the cursor to the end of document; if the active cell is not empty, moves the cursor to the end of the active cell; pressing it a second time moves the cursor to the end of the current table; a third press moves the cursor to the end of the document Ctrl + Tab : Inserts a tab stop (only in tables); depending on the Window Manager in use, the Alt + Tab may be used instead Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Up : Jumps to start of table Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Down : Jumps to end of table Alt + Arrow Keys : Increases or decreases the size of the column or row on the right or bottom cell edge Alt + Shift + Arrow Keys : Increases or decreases the size of the column or row on the left or top cell edge Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Arrow Keys : Like Alt, but only the active cell is modified. Alt + Insert : Provides 3 seconds in Insert mode, during which time pressing an Arrow Key inserts a row or column, or Ctrl + Arrow Key will insert a cell Alt + Delete : Provides 3 seconds in Delete mode, during which time pressing an Arrow Key deletes a row or column, or Ctrl + Arrow Key merges the active cell with the neighbouring cell Ctrl + Shift + T : Removes cell protection from all selected tables; if no table is selected, then cell protection is removed from all of the tables in the document Ctrl + Shift + Delete : If nothing is selected, the contents of the next cell will be deleted; if cells are selected, the whole row(s) of the selection will be deleted; if all rows are selected completely or partially, the entire table will be deleted
#### Paragraphs And Heading Levels
Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow or Ctrl + Up Arrow : Moves the active paragraph or selected paragraphs up one paragraph Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow or Ctrl + Down Arrow : Moves the active paragraph or selected paragraphs down one paragraph Tab : The heading in format Heading X (X = 1-9) is moved down one level in the outline Shift + Tab : The heading in format Heading X (X = 2-10) is moved up one level in the outline Ctrl + Tab : At the start of a heading, inserts a tab stop. Depending on the Window Manager in use, Alt+Tab may be used instead; to change the heading level with the keyboard, first position the cursor in front of the heading
### LibreOffice Math / OpenOffice Math
Ctrl + Alt + Delete : Shut down F3 : Repeat again F2 : Help F5 : Refresh Ctrl + B : Bold Ctrl + U : Underline Ctrl + End : Go bottom Ctrl + Home : Go on top F7 : Enter query Ctrl + F : Find Ctrl + R : Replace Ctrl + P : Print Ctrl + G : Go to Ctrl + E : Eject Ctrl + V : Paste Ctrl + C : Copy F10 : Save Backspace : Go back Shift + Delete : Delete all Shift + Down Arrow : Move downwards Esc : Exit
### LibreOffice Impress / OpenOffice Impress
F2 : Edit text F3 : Edit group Ctrl + F3 : Exit group Shift + F3 : Duplicate F4 : Position and Size F5 : View Slide Show Ctrl + Shift + F5 : Navigator F7 : Spell check Ctrl + F7 : Thesaurus F8 : Edit Points Ctrl + Shift + F8 : Fit text to frame F11 : Styles and Formatting
#### Navigating In Slide Sorter
Esc : Moves the focus to the first slide. Arrow Keys : Moves the focus to the next slide. Spacebar : Makes the slide with the focus the current slide.
#### Normal View
+ (Plus sign) : Zoom in - (Minus sign) : Zoom out * : Fit page in window / : Zoom in on current selection Shift + Ctrl + G : Group selected objects Shift + Ctrl + Alt + A : Un-group selected group Ctrl + Mouse Click : Enter a group Shift + Ctrl + K : Combine selected objects Ctrl + Plus (+) : Bring to Front Shift + Ctrl + Plus (+) : Bring Forward Ctrl + Minus (-) : Send Backward Shift + Ctrl + Minus (-) : Send to Back
#### Slide Shows
Esc : End presentation Spacebar : Play next effect (if any) Alt + Page Down : Go to next slide without playing effects 2 + Enter : Type a number of a slide (e.g. 2) and press Enter to go to the slide Alt + Page Up : Go to the previous slide without playing effects Home : Jump to first slide in the slide show End : Jump to the last slide in the slide show Ctrl + Page Up : Go to the previous slide Ctrl + Page Down : Go to the next slide B : Show black screen until next key or mouse wheel event W : Show white screen until next key or mouse wheel event
### LibreOffice Draw / OpenOffice Draw
Enter : Activates the focused button in a dialog Esc : Terminates the action or dialog; in Help goes up one level Spacebar : Toggles the focused check box in a dialog Arrow Keys : Changes the active control field in an option section of a dialog Tab : Advances focus to the next section or element in a dialog Shift + Tab : Moves the focus to the previous section or element in a dialog Alt + Down Arrow : Opens the list of the control field currently selected in a dialog; these shortcut keys apply not only to combo boxes but also to icon buttons with pop-up menus; close an opened list by pressing the Esc key Delete : Deletes the selected items into the Recycle Bin Shift + Delete : Deletes the selected items without putting them in the Recycle Bin Ctrl + O : Opens a document Ctrl + S : Saves the current document Ctrl + N : Creates a new document Ctrl + P : Prints document Ctrl + C : Copies the selected items Ctrl + Shift + V : Opens the Paste Special dialog
### LibreOffice Calc / OpenOffice Calc
Ctrl + Home : Moves the cursor to the first cell in the sheet (A1) Ctrl + End : Moves the cursor to the last cell on the sheet that contains data Home : Moves the cursor to the first cell of the current row End : Moves the cursor to the last cell of the current row in a column containing data Ctrl + Left Arrow : Moves the cursor to the left edge of the current data range; if the column to the left of the cell that contains the cursor is empty Ctrl + Right Arrow : Moves the cursor to the right edge of the current data range; if the column to the right of the cell that contains the cursor is empty Ctrl + Up Arrow : Moves the cursor to the top edge of the current data range; if the row above the cell that contains the cursor is empty Ctrl + Down Arrow : Moves the cursor to the bottom edge of the current data range; if the row below the cell that contains the cursor is empty Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys : Selects all cells containing data from the current cell to the end of the continuous range of data cells Ctrl + Page Up : Moves one sheet to the left; in the Page Preview it moves to the previous print page Ctrl + Page Up : Moves one sheet to the left; in the Page Preview it moves to the previous print page Ctrl + Page Down : Moves one sheet to the right; in the Page Preview it moves to the next print page Page Up : Moves the viewable rows up one screen Page Down : Moves the viewable rows down one screen Alt + Page Up : Moves the viewable columns one screen to the left Alt + Page Down : Moves the viewable columns one screen to the right Shift + Ctrl + Page Up : Adds the previous sheet to the current selection of sheets; if all the sheets in a spreadsheet are selected Shift + Ctrl + Page Down : Adds the next sheet to the current selection of sheets; if all the sheets in a spreadsheet are selected Ctrl + * (multiplication sign on the numeric key pad) : Selects the data range that contains the cursor; a range is a contiguous cell range that contains data and is bounded by empty row and columns Ctrl + / (division sign on the numeric key pad) : Selects the matrix formula range that contains the cursor Shift + F1 : Displays context help Ctrl + F1 : Displays the note that is attached to the current cell F2 : Switches to Edit mode and places the cursor at the end of the contents of the current cell; if the cursor is in an input box in a dialog that has a minimize button Ctrl + F2 : Opens the Function Wizard Shift + Ctrl + F2 : Moves the cursor to the input line where you can enter a formula for the current cell Alt + Down Arrow : Increases the height of current row Alt + Right Arrow : Increases the width of the current column Alt + Shift + Arrow Keys : Optimizes the column width or row height based on the current cell F12 : Groups the selected data range Shift + F11 : Creates a document template F9 : Recalculates all of the formulas in the sheet F8 : Turns additional selection mode on or off in this mode Ctrl + F8 : Highlights cells containing numeric values (not text) F7 : Checks spelling in the current sheet F4 : Shows or hides the Database Sources menu
### LibreOffice Base / OpenOffice Base
Ctrl + O : Open entry in the File menu Alt : Calling Menus Shift + Ctrl + S : Open the Special Characters dialog to insert one or more special characters Ctrl + A : Select the entire text Ctrl + Delete : Delete everything from the cursor position to the end of the word Insert : Switch between the insert mode and the overwrite mode and back again Ctrl + Z : Undo modifications one step at a time Shift + Ctrl + Q : Terminate a macro that is currently running Ctrl + S : Saves the current document Ctrl + N : Creates a new document Shift + Ctrl + N : Opens Templates and Documents dialog Ctrl + P : Prints document Ctrl + Q : Exits the application Ctrl + X : Cuts out the selected elements Ctrl + C : Copies the selected items Ctrl + V : Pastes from the clipboard Ctrl + Shift + V : Opens the Paste Special dialog Ctrl + Y : Redo the last action Ctrl + F : Calls the Find & Replace dialog Ctrl + Shift + F : Search for the last entered search term Ctrl + Shift + J : Toggle the view between fullscreen mode and normal mode in Writer or Calc Ctrl + Shift + R : Redraws the document view Shift + Ctrl + I : Enable or disable the selection cursor in read-only text Ctrl + I : Apply the Italic attribute to the selected area Ctrl + B : Apply the Bold attribute to the selected area Ctrl + U : Apply the Underlined attribute to the selected area
#### Function Keys
F1 : Starts the Help Shift + F1 : Context Help Shift + F2 : Turns on Extended Tips for the currently selected command. icon or control Alt + F4 : Closes the current document (close OpenOffice when the last open document is closed) F6 : Sets focus in next subwindow (e.g. document/data source view) Shift + F6 : Sets focus in previous subwindow F10 : Activates the first menu (File menu) Shift + F10 : Opens the context menu Ctrl + F11 : Opens the Style Catalog
#### Drawing Objects
Tab : Selects the next Drawing Object Ctrl + Home : Selects the first Drawing Object Ctrl + End : Selects the last Drawing Object Esc : Ends Drawing Object selection Shift + Spacebar : Select an additional point in Point Selection mode
#### Gallery Preview Area
Ctrl + Shift + Insert : Inserts the selected object as a linked object into the current document Ctrl + I : Inserts a copy of the selected object into the current document Ctrl + T : Opens the Enter Title dialog Ctrl + P : Switches between themes view and object view Spacebar : Spacebar Switches between themes view and object view
#### Table Selection
Spacebar : Spacebar toggles row selection, except when the row is in edit mode Ctrl + Spacebar : Toggles row selection Shift + Spacebar : Selects the current column
Recommended reading:
[Tutorials For](
[OpenOffice Keyboard Shortcuts]( - online database of keyboard shortcuts