Settings and Tweaks

If you want to change anything in/to TROM-Jaro you have 2 main tools:

Settings – access ~WiFi, Bluetooth, sound settings, change the background, language, power settings and so much more. That’s the main control center where you can access the computer’s account, and everything else in terms of “settings”.

Tweaks – at times it is difficult to tell Tweaks from Settings apart despite them being separated. You can see Tweaks as the tool that lets you customize your Operating System: change the theme, icons, fonts, what apps should start when you turn on your computer, and more.

TROM-Jaro comes packed with a few themes and icons, but you can install hundreds of them to customize your TROM-Jaro any way you prefer.

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  • system/tweaks.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/10/30 11:41
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