Name | Description |
Alien 8 | - Game featuring an isometric engine called Isomot 4) |
isaac-paper (Paper Isaac) | - A fan remake of The Binding of Isaac - with a paper look 5) |
FreeTrain | - Free & open source game of rail & business simulation |
Abuse | - Dark 2D side-scrolling platform game |
BetterSpades | - Replicate of the great game Ace of Spades (classic voxlap) |
Zatacka X | - Remake of “Achtung, die Kurve!” |
0 A.D. | - A free, open-source game of ancient warfare |
rawgl | - Another World Interpreter |
Antares | - Port of the original Ares code base that was open sourced in 2008 |
Uebergame | - Free open source, realism like, multi-purpose, multiplayer, casual, first-person-shooter game |
EmptyEpsilon | - Spaceship bridge simulator game |
Maelstrom | - You pilot your ship through the dreaded “Maelstrom” asteroid belt |
Bombman | - Atomic Bomberman clone |
Atomiks | - Remake of the classic Atomix game for modern platforms |
LMarbles | - Atomix clone with a slight change in concept |
Advanced Strategic Command | - Turn based strategy game, designed in the tradition of the Battle Isle series |
Crimson Fields | - Turn-based tactical war game |
BZFlag | - Tanks with Super Powers |
Battle City | - Build a city. Hire a team. Orb the enemy! |
Rigs of Rods | - Softbody Physics Simulator |
osu! | - the bestest free-to-win rhythm game |
Gweled | - Gweled is a free version of a popular game called Bejeweled or Diamond Mine for GNU/Linux |
Bermuda Syndrome | - Reimplements the engine used in the game Bermuda Syndrome |
xBaK | - Fan-made remake of “Betrayal at Krondor” |
Witch Blast | - Roguelite dungeon crawler game |
BStone | - Source port of Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold and Blake Stone: Planet Strike |
Transfusion | - Tour de force of horror that has yet to be matched, in which you battled minions of evil in a lightning-paced, blood splattered quest for glory |
Granatier | - Granatier is a clone of the classic Bomberman game, inspired by the work of the Clanbomber clone |
Mr.Boom | - An 8 player Bomberman clone for RetroArch/Libretro |
SDL Bomber | - A basic clone of the fantastic game Atomic Bomberman |
BOOM: Remake | - “Bomberman meets DOOM” - BOOM: Remake shares most of its codebase with Lifish and, like it, it is free software |
Rocks'n'Diamonds | - A scrolling tile-based computer puzzle game that can be described as a combined Boulder Dash, Supaplex, Emerald Mine, Solomon's key, and Sokoban clone |
LBreakoutHD | - A scaleable 16:9 remake of LBreakout2; you try to clear levels full of different types of bricks and extras by using your paddle to aim balls at the bricks; all LBreakout2 themes and levelsets work, new themes can be of any resolution |
Block Shooter | - Remake of old game |
BitRiot | - Clone / re-implementation of the Amiga Bug Bomber game |
OpenBVE | - A license-free, open source, free of charge train driving simulator |
C-Dogs SDL | - Classic overhead run-and-gun game |
CaesarIA | - Open source remake of Caesar III |
Julius | - An open source re-implementation of Caesar III |
Open Fodder | - An open source port of Cannon Fodder |
OpenC1 | - Remake of Carmageddon 1 engine |
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead | - A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world |
CatacombSDL | - SDL 2 source port for Catacomb II |
CatacombGL | - A Windows source port with OpenGL graphics for Catacomb 3D (1991), The Catacomb Abyss (1992), The Catacomb Armageddon (1992) and The Catacomb Apocalypse (1993) |
Reflection Keen | - Ports of Keen Dreams (based on which followed a fundraising campaign), Catacomb 3-D (The Descent) and the Catacomb Adventure Series (the Catacomb ports are based on source codes from |
Cave Story Engine 2 | - Decompilation of Cave Story (v1.0.0.6) |
Tile World | - an emulation of the game “Chip's Challenge”, it does not come with the chips.dat file that contains the original level set 6) |
Tile World 2 | - A Chip's Challenge clone |
Duck Marines | |
C-evo | |
UnCiv | |
OpenClonk | |
Colobot: Gold Edition | |
Command & Conquer - HTML5 | |
Thyme | |
Chronoshift | |
CommandoJS | |
Spring: 1944 | |
CCCP | |
The Butterfly Effect | |
Grimsonland | |
Violetland | |
coab | |
Performous | |
StepMania | |
Word War vi | |
Mirror Magic | |
Devilution | |
DevilutionX | |
freeablo | |
Digger Remastered | |
OpenDominion | |
Classic RBDoom 3 BFG | |
DOOM Retro | |
The Eternity Engine | |
Odamex | |
OpenBOR | |
Dave Gnukem | |
Chocolate Duke3D | |
Duke3D | |
Duke3d_win32 | |
DukeGDX | |
EDuke32 | |
JFDuke3D | |
Rednukem | |
xDuke | |
Rigel Engine | |
X-Moto | |
Daggerfall Unity | |
OpenMW | |
OpenMW for Android | |
TES3MP | |
Vega Strike | |
Pioneer | |
Enduro tribute | |
ativayeban | |
Falling Time | |
sfall | |
Flappy Bird TIC Edition | |
Floppy Birb | |
Friking Shark | |
Dungeon Craft | |
ProjectX | |
FreeSpace 2 Source Code Project | |
Glest Advanced Engine | |
MegaGlest | |
GoldenEye: Source | |
Gorillas-rs | |
REGoth | |
SanAndreasUnity | |
Dizgruntled | |
Frets on Fire | |
Frets on Fire X | |
Clonepoint | |
Doom Legacy | |
Odamex | |
Ancient Beast | |
VCMI | |
Homeworld SDL | |
HyperRogue | |
Open Imperium Galactica | |
IO Reboot | |
Jagged Alliance 2 Stracciatella | |
OpenJazz | |
Jazz² Resurrection | |
JediOutcastLinux | |
JediAcademyLinux | |
OpenJK | |
WallBall | |
Open Kick-Off | |
LastNinja | |
Fanwor | |
Open Zelda | |
Zelda Classic | |
Wind Waker Randomizer | |
Lemmings.ts | |
Lemmini | |
Lemmix | |
Lix | |
LixD | |
Pingus | |
OpenLiero | |
twin-e | |
F.LF | |
KGoldrunner | |
XScavenger | |
Orbium | |
Planet Lander | |
Forge | |
Magarena | |
XMage | |
Rot Magus | |
Aleph One | |
SuperTuxKart | |
SuperTuxParty | |
1oom | |
LinWarrior | |
Gigalomania | |
Mice Men Remix | |
Dust Racing 2D | |
Yorg | |
OpenMC2 | |
World of Might and Magic | |
Craft | |
DwarfCorp | |
Gnomescroll | |
Minetest | |
Terasology | |
Isometric-Minesweeper | |
Mines | |
Minesweeper.Zone | |
proxx | |
Missile Command | |
Morpheus Web Remake | |
mk.js | |
Nether Earth Remake | |
Xonotic | |
OpenNotrium | |
RuneLite | |
Torrega Race | |
OpenOMF | |
Outpost HD | |
Cannonball | |
EnTT Pacman | |
Ghostly | |
Pac Go | |
SwtPacMan | |
LGeneral | |
FreedroidRPG | |
Nighthawk | |
Fluid Table Tennis | |
Tuxemon | |
Open Portal Engine | |
POSTAL 1 Open Source | |
POSTAL 1 source code | |
The Powder Toy | |
PCExhumed | |
PowerslaveGDX | |
Powerslave EX | |
FreePrince | |
Mininim | |
SDLPoP | |
Prince-Monogame | |
Pushover | |
Wizznic! | |
Castle-Combat | |
RedneckGDX | |
iortcw | |
RickyD | |
xrick | |
A Mouse's Vengeance | |
OpenRCT2 | |
EasyRPG Player | |
mkxp | |
Tapir | |
2006-rebotted | |
Open RSC | |
Atomic Tanks | |
Sea-Wolf | |
YSoccer | |
Freeserf | | | |
Return to the Roots | |
Widelands | |
JonoF's Shadow Warrior Port (JFSW) | |
Bridge Command | |
FreeSiege | |
Silent Hill 2 Enhancement | | | |
Cytopia | |
FreeSims | |
FreeSO | |
OpenSkyscraper | |
UltraStar Deluxe | |
OpenRoads | |
Slime Volleyball | |
snake | |
Snipes | |
CavePacker | |
Sonic Adventure Toolset | |
Open Sonic | |
SDL Sopwith | |
Space Harrier Clone | |
Hopson-Arcade | |
Thrive | |
Strife: Veteran Edition | |
Supaxl | |
Open Hexagon | |
Mega Mario | |
ReTux | |
Super Mario War | |
SuperTux | |
uMario | |
Super Methane Brothers | |
Hexoshi | |
Nuncabola | |
Super Tilt Bro | |
Zero-K | |
Survivor | |
Syndicate Wars Port | |
Shockolate | |
Gang Garrison 2 | |
Open Fortress | |
TekwarGDX | |
wbt | |
4DTris | |
Future Blocks | |
Quadrapassel | |
Spludlow Tetris | |
Tetris | |
vitetris | |
Crack Attack! | |
FreeBlocks | |
Panel Attack | |
CorsixTH | |
The Dark Mod | |
Marblez | |
Taisei Project | |
Stunt Rally | |
OpenTTD | |
Simutrans | |
TTDPatch | |
Tumbly Towers | |
Pink Pony | |
Hurrican | |
CaveExpress | |
CrossUO: Ultima Online | |
Iris2 | |
UnderworldExporter | |
Visual Pinball | |
WitchavenGDX | |
Wolf3dX | |
Hedgewars | |
OpenXcom | |
UFO2000 | |
Xenowar | |
Zed Online | |