Name | Description |
FreeTrain | - Free & open source game of rail & business simulation |
Abuse | - Dark 2D side-scrolling platform game |
BetterSpades | - Replicate of the great game Ace of Spades (classic voxlap) |
Zatacka X | - Remake of “Achtung, die Kurve!” |
0 A.D. | - A free, open-source game of ancient warfare |
rawgl | - Another World Interpreter |
Antares | - Port of the original Ares code base that was open sourced in 2008 |
Uebergame | - Free open source, realism like, multi-purpose, multiplayer, casual, first-person-shooter game |
EmptyEpsilon | - Spaceship bridge simulator game |
Maelstrom | - You pilot your ship through the dreaded “Maelstrom” asteroid belt |
Bombman | - Atomic Bomberman clone |
Atomiks | - Remake of the classic Atomix game for modern platforms |
LMarbles | - Atomix clone with a slight change in concept |
Advanced Strategic Command | - Turn based strategy game, designed in the tradition of the Battle Isle series |
Crimson Fields | - Turn-based tactical war game |
BZFlag | - Tanks with Super Powers |
Battle City | - Build a city. Hire a team. Orb the enemy! |
Rigs of Rods | - Softbody Physics Simulator |
osu! | - the bestest free-to-win rhythm game |
Gweled | - Gweled is a free version of a popular game called Bejeweled or Diamond Mine for GNU/Linux |
Bermuda Syndrome | - Reimplements the engine used in the game Bermuda Syndrome |
xBaK | - Fan-made remake of “Betrayal at Krondor” |
Witch Blast | - Roguelite dungeon crawler game |
BStone | - Source port of Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold and Blake Stone: Planet Strike |
Transfusion | - Tour de force of horror that has yet to be matched, in which you battled minions of evil in a lightning-paced, blood splattered quest for glory |
VASSAL | - Game engine for building and playing online adaptations of board games and card games. Play live on the Internet or by email. Vassal runs on all platforms, and is free, open-source software |
orona | - Another rewrite of Bolo, a game of tank warfare, rewritten for modern browsers |
Granatier | - Granatier is a clone of the classic Bomberman game, inspired by the work of the Clanbomber clone |
Mr.Boom | - An 8 player Bomberman clone for RetroArch/Libretro |
SDL Bomber | - A basic clone of the fantastic game Atomic Bomberman |
BOOM: Remake | - “Bomberman meets DOOM” - BOOM: Remake shares most of its codebase with Lifish and, like it, it is free software |
Rocks'n'Diamonds | - A scrolling tile-based computer puzzle game that can be described as a combined Boulder Dash, Supaplex, Emerald Mine, Solomon's key, and Sokoban clone |
LBreakoutHD | - A scaleable 16:9 remake of LBreakout2; you try to clear levels full of different types of bricks and extras by using your paddle to aim balls at the bricks; all LBreakout2 themes and levelsets work, new themes can be of any resolution |
Block Shooter | - Remake of old game |
BitRiot | - Clone / re-implementation of the Amiga Bug Bomber game |
OpenBVE | - A license-free, open source, free of charge train driving simulator |
C-Dogs SDL | - Classic overhead run-and-gun game |
CaesarIA | - Open source remake of Caesar III |
Julius | - An open source re-implementation of Caesar III |
Open Fodder | - An open source port of Cannon Fodder |
OpenC1 | - Remake of Carmageddon 1 engine |
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead | - A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world |
CatacombSDL | - SDL 2 source port for Catacomb II |
CatacombGL | - A Windows source port with OpenGL graphics for Catacomb 3D (1991), The Catacomb Abyss (1992), The Catacomb Armageddon (1992) and The Catacomb Apocalypse (1993) |
Reflection Keen | - Ports of Keen Dreams (based on which followed a fundraising campaign), Catacomb 3-D (The Descent) and the Catacomb Adventure Series (the Catacomb ports are based on source codes from |
Cave Story Engine 2 | - Decompilation of Cave Story (v1.0.0.6) |
NXEngine | |
NXEngine-evo | |
Tile World | |
Tile World 2 | |
OpenLoco | |
Duck Marines | |
C-evo | |
UnCiv | |
OpenClonk | |
Colobot: Gold Edition | |
Command & Conquer - HTML5 | |
Thyme | |
Chronoshift | |
CommandoJS | |
Spring: 1944 | |
CCCP | |
The Butterfly Effect | |
Grimsonland | |
Violetland | |
coab | |
Performous | |
StepMania | |
Word War vi | |
Mirror Magic | |
Devilution | |
DevilutionX | |
freeablo | |
Digger Remastered | |
OpenDominion | |
Classic RBDoom 3 BFG | |
DOOM Retro | |
The Eternity Engine | |
Odamex | |
OpenBOR | |
Dave Gnukem | |
Chocolate Duke3D | |
Duke3D | |
Duke3d_win32 | |
DukeGDX | |
EDuke32 | |
JFDuke3D | |
Rednukem | |
xDuke | |
Rigel Engine | |
X-Moto | |
Daggerfall Unity | |
OpenMW | |
OpenMW for Android | |
TES3MP | |
Vega Strike | |
Pioneer | |
Enduro tribute | |
ativayeban | |
Falling Time | |
sfall | |
Flappy Bird TIC Edition | |
Floppy Birb | |
Friking Shark | |
Dungeon Craft | |
ProjectX | |
FreeSpace 2 Source Code Project | |
Glest Advanced Engine | |
MegaGlest | |
GoldenEye: Source | |
Gorillas-rs | |
REGoth | |
SanAndreasUnity | |
Dizgruntled | |
Frets on Fire | |
Frets on Fire X | |
Clonepoint | |
Doom Legacy | |
Odamex | |
Ancient Beast | |
VCMI | |
Homeworld SDL | |
HyperRogue | |
Open Imperium Galactica | |
IO Reboot | |
Jagged Alliance 2 Stracciatella | |
OpenJazz | |
Jazz² Resurrection | |
JediOutcastLinux | |
JediAcademyLinux | |
OpenJK | |
WallBall | |
Open Kick-Off | |
LastNinja | |
Fanwor | |
Open Zelda | |
Zelda Classic | |
Wind Waker Randomizer | |
Lemmings.ts | |
Lemmini | |
Lemmix | |
Lix | |
LixD | |
Pingus | |
OpenLiero | |
twin-e | |
F.LF | |
KGoldrunner | |
XScavenger | |
Orbium | |
Planet Lander | |
Forge | |
Magarena | |
XMage | |
Rot Magus | |
Aleph One | |
SuperTuxKart | |
SuperTuxParty | |
1oom | |
LinWarrior | |
Gigalomania | |
Mice Men Remix | |
Dust Racing 2D | |
Yorg | |
OpenMC2 | |
World of Might and Magic | |
Craft | |
DwarfCorp | |
Gnomescroll | |
Minetest | |
Terasology | |
Isometric-Minesweeper | |
Mines | |
Minesweeper.Zone | |
proxx | |
Missile Command | |
Morpheus Web Remake | |
mk.js | |
Nether Earth Remake | |
Xonotic | |
OpenNotrium | |
RuneLite | |
Torrega Race | |
OpenOMF | |
Outpost HD | |
Cannonball | |
EnTT Pacman | |
Ghostly | |
Pac Go | |
SwtPacMan | |
LGeneral | |
FreedroidRPG | |
Nighthawk | |
Fluid Table Tennis | |
Tuxemon | |
Open Portal Engine | |
POSTAL 1 Open Source | |
POSTAL 1 source code | |
The Powder Toy | |
PCExhumed | |
PowerslaveGDX | |
Powerslave EX | |
FreePrince | |
Mininim | |
SDLPoP | |
Prince-Monogame | |
Pushover | |
Wizznic! | |
Castle-Combat | |
RedneckGDX | |
iortcw | |
RickyD | |
xrick | |
A Mouse's Vengeance | |
OpenRCT2 | |
EasyRPG Player | |
mkxp | |
Tapir | |
2006-rebotted | |
Open RSC | |
Atomic Tanks | |
Sea-Wolf | |
YSoccer | |
Freeserf | | | |
Return to the Roots | |
Widelands | |
JonoF's Shadow Warrior Port (JFSW) | |
Bridge Command | |
FreeSiege | |
Silent Hill 2 Enhancement | | | |
Cytopia | |
FreeSims | |
FreeSO | |
OpenSkyscraper | |
UltraStar Deluxe | |
OpenRoads | |
Slime Volleyball | |
snake | |
Snipes | |
CavePacker | |
Sonic Adventure Toolset | |
Open Sonic | |
SDL Sopwith | |
Space Harrier Clone | |
Hopson-Arcade | |
Thrive | |
Strife: Veteran Edition | |
Supaxl | |
Open Hexagon | |
Mega Mario | |
ReTux | |
Super Mario War | |
SuperTux | |
uMario | |
Super Methane Brothers | |
Hexoshi | |
Nuncabola | |
Super Tilt Bro | |
Zero-K | |
Survivor | |
Syndicate Wars Port | |
Shockolate | |
Gang Garrison 2 | |
Open Fortress | |
TekwarGDX | |
wbt | |
4DTris | |
Future Blocks | |
Quadrapassel | |
Spludlow Tetris | |
Tetris | |
vitetris | |
Crack Attack! | |
FreeBlocks | |
Panel Attack | |
CorsixTH | |
The Dark Mod | |
Marblez | |
Taisei Project | |
Stunt Rally | |
OpenTTD | |
Simutrans | |
TTDPatch | |
Tumbly Towers | |
Pink Pony | |
Hurrican | |
CaveExpress | |
CrossUO: Ultima Online | |
Iris2 | |
UnderworldExporter | |
Visual Pinball | |
WitchavenGDX | |
Wolf3dX | |
Hedgewars | |
OpenXcom | |
UFO2000 | |
Xenowar | |
Zed Online | |