Box Look
- IceXaphireGreen [Ice-WM Themes] (2024/12/01 22:23)IceXaphireGreen is a port of Xaphire ( theme for IceWM with green color...
- Melissa theme i3wm [Ice-WM Themes] (2024/11/23 03:05)Dependências: curl, wget, conky, rofi, i3wm, polybar, picom, lxpolkit Atenção: Alguns scripts podem precisar de modificações para funcionar no seu ...
- FVWM Kise [FVWM Themes] (2024/11/19 19:37)Fvwm Keep-it-simple & elegant - is a simplified version of Fvwm-myExt collection of ready-made scripts (configs). Kise is a simple and elegant...
- OnePiece [Ice-WM Themes] (2024/11/13 21:36)One Piece IceWM theme for One Piece fans :-)
- Focus [Burn-My-Windows] [Kwin Effects] (2024/11/06 15:11)This is the KWin port of the Focus effect of the Burn-My-Windows GNOME Shell extension....
- Karousel for Plasma 5 [Kwin Scripts] (2024/10/27 13:46)KWin tiling script with scrolling. Works especially well with ultrawide screens. Use with for...
- FVWM myExtensions [FVWM Themes] (2024/10/23 17:49)This theme is designed for Fvwm3 but also works well on Fvwm2. It is inspired by the Gnome Extensions and other plugins that make a DE/WM...
- kde-tiling-on-drag [Kwin Scripts] (2024/10/07 15:10)Use KDE 6+ Tiling manager and "tile" all windows at the best position without having to press the shift key.
- FlexGrid [Kwin Scripts] (2024/10/01 15:13)# FlexGrid If the script doesn't work after install execute `kwin --replace`. A feature rich window tiling extension for KDE. The goal is to...
- Windows 95 IceWM theme [Ice-WM Themes] (2024/09/08 13:52)This theme is a modification of the following theme by PixelOCDGuy: The icons were sourced from the Chicago95...