This is an old revision of the document!


  1. Zorin 852<
  2. Solus 825=
  3. Puppy 763>
  4. Ubuntu Kylin 734>
  5. KDE neon 713<
  6. openSUSE 708>
  7. Linuxfx 661<
  8. Arch 645>
  9. Enso 582>
  10. FreeBSD 518>
  11. Lite 501=
  12. antiX 497>
  13. ArcoLinux 496<
  14. PCLinuxOS 496<
  15. CentOS 493>
  16. SparkyLinux 435>
  17. Kali 415=
  18. KaOS 412>
  19. FuryBSD 393=
  20. 4MLinux 386>
  21. Lubuntu 336>
  22. Peppermint 327>
  23. Mageia 314>
  24. Tails 306<
  25. Slackware 296>
  26. Garuda 294<
  27. Q4OS 283<
  28. Elive 281=
  29. Xubuntu 280>
  30. Kubuntu 279>
  31. EasyOS 277<
  32. Void 245>
  33. Ubuntu DP 244<
  34. Devuan 240>
  35. Parrot 240=
  36. ReactOS 238=
  37. Gentoo 237>
  38. Endless 236>
  39. Runtu 232>
  40. Android-x86 229<
  41. PureOS 227>
  42. Ubuntu MATE 226>
  43. Bluestar 223<
  44. DragonFly 222>
  45. Artix 218=
  46. Alpine 208>
  47. Bodhi 197=
  48. Red Hat 189>
  49. GhostBSD 187=
  50. NixOS 182<
  51. ClearOS 179=
  52. NuTyX 179=
  53. KNOPPIX 176=
  54. Ubuntu Budgie 170>
  55. Live Raizo 169=
  56. Volumio 169=
  57. Whonix 169<
  58. LXLE 168>
  59. BunsenLabs 167<
  60. Oracle 167>
  61. UBports 158>
  62. Ubuntu Studio 158>
  63. Haiku 156>
  64. ALT 153>
  65. Feren 150>
  66. OpenBSD 150>
  67. Univention 149>
  68. Tiny Core 146=
  69. Gecko 144<
  70. Nitrux 143<
  71. SmartOS 140>
  72. Archman 139=
  73. Voyager 137>
  74. APODIO 136>
  75. Absolute 136>
  76. IPFire 134>
  77. Sabayon 134=
  78. Debian Edu 133=
  79. Qubes 131>
  80. Trisquel 131>
  81. RasPiOS 129=
  82. SteamOS 128<
  83. BlackArch 126<
  84. ROSA 123>
  85. Clear 122>
  86. SystemRescue 121=
  87. ArchBang 120=
  88. Netrunner 120>
  89. Kodachi 119=
  90. Ultimate 119>
  91. OpenMediaVault 118=
  92. MakuluLinux 117=
  93. NomadBSD 113<
  94. ArchLabs 110>
  95. AV Linux 109>
  96. Trident 109<
  97. OpenMandriva 108>
  98. Emmabuntüs 107=
  99. Simplicity 105>
  100. Robolinux 99>
  101. Obarun 95=
  102. Septor 94>
  103. LFS 93<
  104. GoboLinux 92<
  105. ExTiX 86>
  106. MidnightBSD 81<
  107. Porteus 77>
  108. Anarchy 74>
  109. RebornOS 74<
  110. SliTaz 73=
  111. Calculate 66>
  112. BackBox 63=
  113. Slax 63=
  114. Parabola 62>
  115. SolydXK 61>
  116. Arya 59<
  117. KolibriOS 58=
  118. SUSE 58=
  119. Zenwalk 55=
  120. NetBSD 54=
  121. GParted 51=
  122. Funtoo 50>
  123. Lakka 50>
  124. Parted Magic 50<
  125. 3CX 49=
  126. Redcore 49=
  127. Finnix 48=
  128. Guix System 48=
  129. Neptune 48=
  130. ArchStrike 47=
  131. Clonezilla 47=
  132. MiniNo 47>
  133. Solaris 47=
  134. blackPanther 47<
  135. FreeNAS 46>
  136. Hyperbola 46=
  137. LinuxConsole 46=
  138. CRUX 45=
  139. OpenIndiana 45>
  140. Pinguy 45>
  141. CAELinux 44=
  142. Fatdog64 44=
  143. pfSense 44=
  144. KANOTIX 43=
  145. Star 43=
  146. Wifislax 43<
  147. AcademiX 42=
  148. CloudReady 42<
  149. Lunar 42=
  150. Pardus 42=
  151. Bedrock 41=
  152. CAINE 41=
  153. Pearl 41<
  154. ClonOS 40=
  155. Slackel 40>
  156. BEE free 39=
  157. EasyNAS 39<
  158. Exherbo 39=
  159. LibreELEC 39=
  160. SuperGamer 39=
  161. TENS 39=
  162. Exe 38=
  163. SuperX 38=
  164. BigLinux 37=
  165. FuguIta 37=
  166. KISS 37=
  167. OPNsense 37=
  168. DietPi 36=
  169. EuroLinux 36<
  170. HardenedBSD 36=
  171. Pentoo 36=
  172. Ufficio Zero 36=
  173. VyOS 36<
  174. batocera 36=
  175. BOSS 35=
  176. Dragora 35=
  177. LuninuX 35>
  178. MLL 35=
  179. Namib 35=
  180. Proxmox 35>
  181. RancherOS 35=
  182. Vine 35=
  183. Berry 34=
  184. Linspire 34=
  185. Pisi 34=
  186. RebeccaBlackOS 34<
  187. Redo 34=
  188. Rescuezilla 34=
  189. XigmaNAS 34=
  190. Zentyal 34=
  191. Daphile 33=
  192. MorpheusArch 33=
  193. RISC 33=
  194. Secure-K 33<
  195. Cucumber 32=
  196. Freespire 32=
  197. Plamo 32>
  198. Source Mage 32>
  199. Swift 32=
  200. T2 32>
  201. UBOS 32>
  202. Asianux 31=
  203. LliureX 31<
  204. Photon 31=
  205. Plop 31=
  206. Rescatux 31>
  207. Sophos 31>
  208. Zeroshell 31<
  209. Canaima 30=
  210. Elastix 30=
  211. NST 30=
  212. Rocks Cluster 30=
  213. BSDRP 29<
  214. BlueOnyx 29=
  215. FreedomBox 29=
  216. Recalbox 29=
  217. Refracta 29=
  218. Shark 29=
  219. Springdale 29=
  220. Thinstation 29=
  221. ToOpPy 29>
  222. Uruk 29>
  223. Baruwa 28=
  224. DuZeru 28=
  225. Endian 28=
  226. ForLEx 28<
  227. Hanthana 28=
  228. Karoshi 28=
  229. OSMC 28=
  230. PrimTux 28=
  231. Smoothwall 28=
  232. Untangle 28=
  233. openmamba 28=
  234. Greenie 27=
  235. Grml 27=
  236. HamoniKR 27=
  237. LinHES 27>
  238. NexentaStor 27=
  239. REMnux 27=
  240. Super Grub2 27=
  241. YunoHost 27>
  242. Zevenet 27=
  243. Bicom 26=
  244. FreePBX 26=
  245. NethServer 26=
  246. Omarine 26=
  247. PLD 26=
  248. Porteus Kiosk 26=
  249. SELKS 26=
  250. SME Server 26>
  251. Securepoint 26=
  252. TurnKey 26=
  253. paldo 26=
  254. Kwort 25<
  255. OLPC 25=
  256. Openwall 25=
  257. OviOS 25=
  258. Pardus Topluluk 25=
  259. Webconverger 25=
  260. DRBL 24=
  261. RSS 24=
  262. tuxtrans 24=
  263. OB2D 23=
  264. OSGeoLive 23=
  265. Omoikane 23=
  266. RDS 23=
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  • documentation.1602335082.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/10/30 11:34
  • (external edit)